Fun For Tots Tutoring Games
Copyright Brenda Chadburn
Feel free to use these fun activities
Abc string beads in order
Learning with Literacy
“Face It” – learning about facial expressions that reflect feelings and facial expressions.
“Funny Thing I Forgot My Feet” – visually discriminating whose feet by predicting
Finding Phoneme words
With the family phoneme of the day, find the words as they are said and stand on them. Group by like spellings such as; fight would go with night and site would go with bite. Match by like spelling.
A-Z Shape Pictures
A-Z Shape Pictures
Find A-Z
ant, balloons, butterfly, cake, castle, door, dinosaur, elephant, flower, gum, house, indian, igloo,
jack o' lantern, kites, lollipop, money, nest, octopus, pizza, quilt, rocket
sun, snowman table, train, umbrella, vegetables, windmill, wagon, x-ray,
yellow yacht, and a zebra
Sound then slap
Pick & say a sound then slap the letter card with that sound – keep the ones you get right. You can do this on the High Frequency words as well.
This is a great way to instantly recognize sounds of letters.
Phoneics Bingo
Write the 7-11 family phoneme words in the Bingo squares and play, Phoneics Bingo

Picture Initial letter Flash

Picture Initial letter Flash

Paint and Press words of a Phoneme Family
Use letter sponges to make words using the phonemes.
*Read short book with the family phoneme of the day.
Word Dominoes
Place dominoes touching by listening to the sounds and looking at the like spelling in the words such as, “the” and “they” both have the sounds and spellings of “the”.
(Refer to the first blog)
Connect dominoes with like sounds who, to, do, etc.
(Refer to the first blog)
Connect dominoes with like sounds who, to, do, etc.
Making blends using dry erase
Pick a blend and form as many words as you can with a dry erase board and pen.
Read for Speed
Use the short paragraph with the family phoneme. Read and see how fast you can do it. Use the paragraph with like phonemes. The number of words for the paragraph are marked for you. Set it to a timer. Let them beat there own time and reward them accordingly.
Roll a Cube Letter
Roll a Cube Letter