Happy Halloween
A Pirates Lesson for X
Introducing the letter X that marks the spot!
Find the path to the x spot of treasure.
Talk to the tot's about what they like an extra lot. Place an X on the map. There is a blindfold included in this lesson. Hide the treasure and let the tots use a map to find it. X out the hidden pictures on the pirate ship.Count the coins in the treasure chest. The coins are in the shape of a ? (Circle)
Turn on some pirate music. Mark the floor with an x using masking tape. Circle the floor to the music and stop when the music stops. Who is standing on the X?
A pirate story of your picking or "Xmatic"
Roll a cube. when you land on x, then read a page from the 4 page mini word book about x.
Serve pretzels that the tot turns into an x.
Take Home
Cut out the hat from black paper. Lay the template over the top of the black paper and cut out.
Cut out and assemble the treasure box. You can fill it with candy if desired. Run out a copy of the bones and have them cut out so as they are ready to glue to black construction paper for an x-ray. Have the tot write in chalk, "x-ray for the take home page. The color of the day is black and white.
Summary: letter-x colors-black & white, round circle coins, counting with coins, learning to cross out with an x, what is worth extra
To view these activities, just click on the picture or activity for a film strip of the different activities including the story. If you have any questions, please post?
Letter Lessons for H and for M
(Please Review Blog #1 for the Tot Funetics Lesson Plan)
Look at the right top corner for the Aug Blog
Look at the right top corner for the Aug Blog
H is for a Happy Halloween
H- is h-h- h -o- t
How many Hands? (2 hands) What can your hands do? (They can write) Have the tot's write a capital and lowercase Hh (Big and small Hh). Your hands can touch. Put in a lunch sack things that come from a harvest that a farmer plants and let the blind folded tot guess the harvest pick. The farmer plants the seed and then picks the harvest. That might be corn, beans, a small pumpkin, apples, etc. Put in proper sequence, from seed to harvest (My Pumpkin Jack)
A Happy Halloween Harvest Story
Do the sequencing following the "My Pumpkin Jack Story"
Do the sequencing following the "My Pumpkin Jack Story"
Finger Puppets
The Short Version
8 mini pages
How many have seen a haunted house. Does it make you happy? Tell the magnetic story of "Hansel & Gretel". Hansel and Gretel had a happy home, but the witch lived in an unhappy home. When they hear with their ears then the tots will stay away from stranger danger and are happy. Ask the tots what makes them happy. Hansel and Gretel thought that the candy house would make them happy, but it did not. Have them listen to a recording of different sounds like a dog barking, a baby crying, music, a bell, etc. Guess the different sounds you hear.
What kind of house-home do you live in? (match the houses)
How heavy?
Music:("2 Little Hands" or "Hinges" from the LDS children's song book), "When You're Happy & Your Know It", magnetic bee hive 1-2-3-4-5 verse,
Snack:honey and bread (bee farmer will harvest the bees honey, haunted graham cracker houses
Story "Hansel & Gretel"
Whose head is under that activity.
Gather hats of all kinds (baseball, chef, witch, sombrero, fire hat, police hat etc.
Match whose head is under that hat? Which hat had a witch head under that hat?
Take Home Activity:
A haunted house
You will need Halloween Stickers, glue, a cardstock copy of the haunted house and scissors. Cut out the house ahead for the tot and assemble. They will decorate.
Play:Play a game of hide and seek.
Field trips: Harvest a pumpkin. Visit a pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin. Go on a hayride.
Summary: letter-Hh for a Happy Halloween, number 2 (2 hands) 5 (5 bees in a hive), color-orange for Halloween or yellow for the hive,
Concepts: what is a harvest, what can our hands do, Halloween makes you happy or scared?
Have a Halloween party. What can you hear? How Heavy?
Materials used from Tot Funetics:
- Magnetic Board Stories (Hansel & Gretel)
- 5 Bees In a Hive Verse from the Number Verses Book
- A Halloweeen Haunted House to decorate with stickers (Patterns Book)
- HandBook of Mastery Card letter ideas
- Lesson Activities with harvest happy jack o' lantern pumpkins
Introduction: h
Have them do a monster match to help their memory.
Do some
Monster Math
cut out monsters
group them in 6 jack o'lanterns, 4 witches, 3 mummies, 5 ghosts, and one Frankenstein
now do some monster simple math while you play the song, "The
"Monster Math"
Listen to the Music and Guess which song it is.
Let the tots see butter & mallows melt for the marshmallow treats. get a bowl and place an ice cube in it. Let it melt for view in class.
Monster Math
cut out monsters
group them in 6 jack o'lanterns, 4 witches, 3 mummies, 5 ghosts, and one Frankenstein
now do some monster simple math while you play the song, "The
"Monster Math"
Listen to the Music and Guess which song it is.
It Melts Activity
Let the tots see butter & mallows melt for the marshmallow treats. get a bowl and place an ice cube in it. Let it melt for view in class.
Mini 4 Page Letter M Book
It Melts
"Monster Mash" song
Cut out as many copied monsters as you need to place around in a circle. The tots will march around the monsters to the music. When the music stops draw a monster to see who wins that is standing on the Monster Mash pick.
Do the 5 Little Monkeys Verse
A Song On Manners "Just Say Please And Thank You"
"Monster Mash" song
Cut out as many copied monsters as you need to place around in a circle. The tots will march around the monsters to the music. When the music stops draw a monster to see who wins that is standing on the Monster Mash pick.
Do the 5 Little Monkeys Verse
A Song On Manners "Just Say Please And Thank You"
Snack:milk, melted marshmellow cookies, or monster cup cakes (place a marble on each side of the cup cake liner to shape the skeleton head. Let them frost & place chocolate chip eyes & almond slivers on for the teeth.
This monster had "M" things for his meal
test the tots memory of this monster "M" storyy
Take Home Activity:
Marshmallow Mummy Monster Mask
Marshmallow Mummy Monster Mask
Cut out the round mask and eyeholes. Glue to a paper plate.
each tot will have a bowl of marshmallows with marshmallow cream or glue sticks. cut a long stretchy string (craft bead aisle) and tie at each end. You can use yarn to tie around the head if you wish. The tots glue on the mallows for a take home monster mask.
Have them dress up for a runway of monsters.Monster Bingo
Cards for the Monster Bingo
Run off the Monsters & then cut out for the the "Monster Mash". Draw a monster to find out who is on it when the music stops.
Field trips:
Go to a farm and watch them milk a cow.
Letter Mm for Monster Mash, 5 Monkeys, milk and marshmallows/white, round circle paper plate maskConcepts: marching, Monster Math, Manners (saying please & thank you), memory matching
What Melts?
Ideas taken from the Tot Funetics Program\
- Monsters for the mash and math (Lesson Activities)
- Mini Letter "M" for "It Melts" Book
- Letter M Mastery Card from the HandBook Step 1
- 5 Little Monkeys (Number Verses)
- My Books
- "One Mean Monster With Bad Manners Can Spoil the Mood"-Book