Play this game with a party hat and whoppers.
Clip the top of the hat and place a whopper on of the hat. When you say "go!" the tots will blow.
(Use a clean straw for each in the game)
The first to get the whopper off the top of the hat wins!
Y is for Year
Y makes the sound of y-y-y yuck!
Crack an egg with the yolk over the Yellow "Y"
y-y-uck! Then add some yogurt for a little y-yum!
Make a 12 Months in a Year Microstrip Book
Cut out the 4 micro strips. Connect the four strips in order. Fold back and forth and staple for a binding.
The New Year Starts at 12:00
after 12 months
Do the magnetics while they read along
(Cut out and place sticky magnets on the back)
Place on the magnetic board.
Let the tots name the picture and happenings after you give the month.
New Years Eve Game
You will need:
2 dice
12 month cards should be cut out.
Number them in order from 1-12 and leave the number showing.
Each child will roll the one dice by turns. When that number is rolled on the back of the month card, turn it over to reveal the picture for the month. For 7-12 month cards you will roll 2 dice together. The game is over when you roll the last month of the 12.
You can use the clock rotate the hands. Let them find that number on the card and turn over to reveal the picture for the month. At midnight (hands are on the 12:00) yell happy New Year! The game is over. Use the Clock instead of the dice.
A tradition that dates back to Medieval times. The yule logs bring heat and light in the darkest and coldest of times.
(For extra fun turn on a tea battery light for each yule log you count out until 12.
Make Yule Log Sandwiches
For the Cold Cut Yule Log
You will need:
1 tortilla shell
sandwich meat, lettuce, and cheese slices
layer over the tortilla
Squirt on dressing (cut off both ends)
*Roll up for a yule log
For the Peanut Butter and Jelly Yule Log
You will need:
Peanut Butter
pizza cutter
rolling pin
Cut off the edges of the bread using a pizza cutter. Let the tot spread on the peanut butter and jelly. Roll it up for a yule log.
Chinese New Year Traditions
Chinese welcome in the new year with the dragon dance that scares off the bad spirits.
For a dragon dance, pinata and dragon kite celebrating a new year Chinese style use these patterns
Dragon's scared away bad spirits and welcomed in a new year. It is also one of the animal zodiac signs. Their are 12 animal zodiac signs representing each month and chosen for the year in order of the cycle.
These are the 12 animal zodiac signs
Copy twice and do a memory match by turning all of the cards over. Then try to find the matches on your turn. You keep turning over cards if you get a match until all the cards are matched otherwise your turn is over. The one with the most matches, wins.
Have a child draw the animal and then pantomime the animal. No words just sounds and actions. The other tots guess the animal card drawn.
What is the Chinese animal sign for this year?
2018 -brown dog (Feb 16)
Spin the animal zodiac signs and when it lands on the animal for the year, that tot wins!
Play the Chinese Dragon Dance music from YouTube.
Let them color and then glue it to the flat part of a lunch sack. Attach ribbons and a string so they can open up the lunch sack and run the dragon around for a dragon dance.
Use the colored pattern for the dragon sack and turn it into a pinata.
Cut out the dragon face and glue on the lunch sack. Attach ribbons to the bottom portion of the sack and place in the middle on a paper plate. Fill with popcorn and prizes. Staple the bottom shut. Poke with fingers or an un-sharpened pencil. They will scoop out the popcorn and prizes to their plates.
Do a page all about you.
Make an edible party hat.
You will need:
upside down sugar cone
paper plate
round edible candies
and the number cards to use with the frosting bag
Scoop the frosting into one corner of the bag. Clip the corner slightly for the frosting to pipe through. Pipe on a dot or make an x using the cards. Then put the candies on the frosting. Pipe around the edge of the hat. Time to eat them.
When it gets close to the midnight (12:00) have a New Year Celebration. Count down from 10-1. Have party horns, noise makers, etc ready for a HAPPY NEW YEAR CHEER!
Or Do a Yellow Year Book with the cover being yellow and the back page being yellow. (no picture)
Make an edible party hat. Pipe on dots or squares by following the cards. Then add the candies.
You will need:
upside down sugar cone
paper plate
round edible candies
and the number cards to use with the frosting bag
Scoop the frosting into one corner of the bag. Clip the corner slightly for the frosting to pipe through. Pipe on a dot or make an x using the cards. Then put the candies on the frosting. Pipe around the edge of the hat. Time to eat them.
When it gets close to the midnight (12:00) have a New Year Celebration. Count down from 10-1. Have party horns, noise makers, etc ready for a HAPPY NEW YEAR CHEER!