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Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Christian Easter Story
mini pocket book

Cut out the 4 story strips that will organize into a 12 page book.
Fold each strip back and forth.
Staple on the left line 2 times for a pocket book.


Cut out "Shadow Puppets" 
Tape the puppets to a small craft stick on each of the backs.
You will need:
a shoe box or gift box
flash light

Cut out a large rectangle on the lid of the box.
Tape a piece of white paper over the cut out hole.
Place a puppet behind the screen and shine the light on the puppet from the side. Let the viewers decide what the image is and what is happening. Use this with the pocket book story.

Here is a one page take home for the student
Run a shadow puppet copy and then staple a plain white sheet over the top.
shine a flash light in back and  let them identify each picture with the mini book.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Easter Eggs, Rabbit & Turtle Lessons

Take Home Project

Paper Mache Egg basket

R is for Rabbit

Rabbits can eat carrots and cabbage. R is for the color red (find the red eggs). (Match the colored oval eggs), Can you remember where the match is? R is for the shape of a rectangle (Draw a rectangle with 4 lines). R is for the rabbit oval eggs. 


Cut out the colored eggs and have 
them remember and match the color.

4 lines for a Rectangle

OOOO the Short oo Rabbit that gave it all he's got.
6 page with 2 strip pocket book
Cut out the 2 microstrips (6 pages) Fold
Ooooo Scot Fell Short (learn about the short o sound)
black & white copy

color copy
81/2 x 11 teacher's book for lamination



Short "O" words

A short 4 page version

R is for being ready. Practice ready set and go race

 R is for reading (read the book Rabbit and Turtle) 



Finger Puppets

Here is a pocket 
2 microstrips (8 page) pocket book
Cut out strip 1 & 2. Fold back and forth in order. Staple together on the inside of the left line

black & white


Rabbit Math:
Other concepts: Discuss about being rude. Rabbit wasn't the fastest, but was the most persistent. Learn about right and left. Have them practice pointing their hand as you show the arrow pointing left or right. Do the 4 page book. Practice being ready by having a race.

Right and left signs.

Attach to a large craft stick and let them follow by pointing with their hand.

Summary: R is for rabbit-race-rules, r is for red and other oval colored eggs and rectangle, right and left, r is for 4 lines to make a rectangle.

Ee for eggs, extra, empty and eleven lesson:
Have the tots count out eleven eggs from the colored egg match eggs that are made for this activity or use plastic eggs. Copy and cut out the shape cards. Let a tot draw a card and find the oval egg shape.

Teacher laminated page (Use with dry erase)
They can do this eleven egg hunt  coloring page.

tot color egg hunt page

Have an egg hunt. Let them find the numbers 1-11 in the plastic eggs. Let them find an egg that is empty. Have one egg with an extra number in it. 
They can color and find hard boiled eggs for deviled eggs or an egg salad sandwich. Find out what comes in an egg by opening these hinged eggs.
Play this egg counting game with a dice, jelly beans, pipe cleaner, and paper muffin liner. The tot will roll the dice and count out the corresponding jelly beans. When the basket is full, the game is complete.

Copy and cut out the top and bottom egg shells. Punch the left corner of the top and bottom. press a fastener through the top and bottom shell for these hinged eggs. 


Teacher Humpty Dumpty Finger Puppet
copy and laminate

Use this with the Humpty Dumpty Verse
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men, 
couldn't put Humpty together again.

Do the "Humpty Dumpty" verse with these finger puppets in an oval egg shape for take home.

Find out who found the empty egg, then have them color this 4 page book.

4 page small Empty Egg Book

Story: 10 Eggs In a Nest
(Full sized teacher version)



These are the finger puppets for this story

Here is the pocket 4 strips (12 page) Microstrip Book

Summary: E is for: Easter, eggs and what comes in them, extra, and empty, learn the numbers 10- and eleven, an egg is an oval shape, have fun with the colored eggs match and learn your colors 

 Christian Easter Pocket Book Story

Cut out the 4 story strips that will organize into a 12 page book.
Fold each strip back and forth.
Staple on the left line 2 times for a pocket book.