Fall or Autumn Fun with Leaves and Squirrels, owls and more.
*To print off activities, tap the picture once. Then right click. Click the copy image to download. After you click the downloaded image then at the top the bar will give you a choice to print.
F is for the season we call f-f-f-all, also called autumn. Have the tot bring a favorite. (food, toy, or fun thing to do) F is for your five fingers on each hand. (Play and sing along to the song, "Fingers and Toes"). F is for your feet.
Falling Letter Leaves
copy and cut out
1- Throw the lower case letters in the air and have them gather them up to a table where you will place them in alphabetical order.
2-Throw these fall leaves in the air and let them land on the ground. Have the tots gather the leaves onto a table and match the lower to the upper case.
"F" is for feet.
Match the feet.
Falling Letter Leaves
copy and cut out
1- Throw the lower case letters in the air and have them gather them up to a table where you will place them in alphabetical order.
2-Throw these fall leaves in the air and let them land on the ground. Have the tots gather the leaves onto a table and match the lower to the upper case.
"F" is for feet.
Match the feet.

Have the tots find the color leaves that fall off the tree and match them to the color on the wreath. (use rolled tape or Velcro on the back of the leaves.)

Fish for "F" Things
Teach them that Four lines make a square.
Learn about foods
Shake the dice and find the food.
Build a pyramid after you shake and draw the food card and match to the brick of the pyramid. All foods bring us balance in our bodies and are needed.
Food Pyramid Game
Food group cards

Go to a farm and find these fruits that are grown.
Sort fall fruit. (peaches, apples, pears etc.)
Here is a page to cut out and have them count and sort.
Snack: Have a fruit tray snack.
Play Some Fruit Bingo
Let each person spin and then place a marker on the fruit bingo card that matches the fruit on the spinner until someone gets Bingo.

Leaf Wreath
Find and gather leaves.
Get some synthetic leaves from a craft store like Dollar Tree. Throw the leaves in the air and then let the tots gather their find while playing the song, "It's Autumn Time". You can go on a leaf walk and collect leaves for your craft to take home. (give each baggies) Cut out the circle center of a paper plate. Glue the leaves around the circle ring. I let them dip Q-tips in the craft glue and then smear it on the back of the leaf that will be pressed to the wreath ring. You now have a fall leaf wreath.
Let them make this 4 page story.
Read this Fall Story
"Are You Nuts"

Use this fall finger puppet with the story.
Have the tots follow with this microstrip book. Cut out the strips. Do not cut out page for page. Fold back and forth and then staple for a small pocket book. Let them read along with you.

Spin the season that shows fall.
Here are 4 page fall stories.
Color this fall squirrel take home project. Glue a nut on the squirrel's belly if you desire.

Make walnut prints and turn them into creatures.
Fall Odd Owls (do with the letter "O")
These owls all have some odd orange. Can you find and name the odd orange parts?
This is an Odd Owl Story
Here are 2 pages with 4 strips to make a Microstrip pocket book in black and white & colro
Cut out the 4 strips and then fold back and forth. Staple on the left side for a mini pocket book to read along with the full sized version.
Microstrip owl pocket books

Owl Project
You will need: scissors, 1 dowel, 1 large pair of wiggly eyes, glue, tape, copy of the owl, 1 lunch sack coloring items
Cut out the owl. Glue the large wiggle eyes onto the face of the owl. Then glue the face to the flat portion of the lunch sack. Fold back the wings and glue or tape to each side. Clip an inch from the edge the top open part of the sack for the 2 feet. Fringe cut the wings and feet if you desire. Tape the dowel to the owl. and let them flap it to get strong.
Black & white pattern
Use as a pattern to fit over brown paper and then cut 1 face and 2 wings
"O" Owl Snack
You will need large square chocolate graham crackers, orange candy corn, and Oreo cookies
(Have some orange carrots, and or orange wedges for a health "O" addition)
Summary: They will learn about "f" fall and what to find such as fruits and leaves. The numbers will be four and five learned or 10 for the "O" owls, the shape learned will be a square and the fall colors will be orange, green and yellow or just "orange" for "o"..
Concepts: what are different foods, learning about fruit from the farm, learning that you have fingers and feet with five fingers on each one and five toes on each foot, learn about their favorite things, and have fun with finger puppets, and or things that are orange and odd.