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Step Up the Fun For Tots
Tot Funetics
Phonetics for Fun Addicts
This program is called, "Fun For Tots" because it is my experience that children learn when they are having fun. It is a 4 step progression into reading. This is for children that are learning to read or reading to learn.
Step 1
Step 1 is learning about a single letter.
A letter is born and is given a name to read.
Learn to recognize what the letter looks like. Learn to w rite a letter. You are now ready to r-r-r read.
Reading Readiness
Pre Reading Skills
Let us repeat this step.
Birth of a Letter Sound
Give a Letter a name to recognize.
Letters make a sound to read.
Write the Letter.
(The 3 Rs)
r-r-r ready to read
Read the sound
(W) rite the letter
Recognize the letter
R-rrrrrr ready to read!
Step 1 (Baby Steps)
Step 1 is for Pre School reading readiness lessons which incorporate (4) learning categories:
1-letter 2-numbers 3-shapes 4-colors
all in one lesson.
Step 1 is for Pre School reading readiness lessons which incorporate (4) learning categories:
1-letter 2-numbers 3-shapes 4-colors
all in one lesson.
Lesson Support Activities:
Field Trip
Tot Funetics
By Brenda Chadburn
This is a program designed for Tot’s
to be taught (tot) the FUN way, because if you are not having fun, you are not learning!
Hence, TOT
Funetics is being taught
fun phonetics for all you fun addicts.
This curriculum is designed to introduce reading readiness
skills in a fun way as they step into
reading. All 26 initial letters and sounds are introduced through
music, snack, story, take-home activity,
play, and field trips.
The Letter Might be G
“G” is for the color gold. The story might include: Goldilocks and the 3 Bears using 3 as the number for the day. The shape might be circles for the bowls you draw for the bears. It could include the concepts of giving, gone, guess, go,and growing. As you can tell,
all are tied to one letter in a nutshell!
designing these lesson plans, careful
consideration was given to assure it is a lesson at a glance, almost like a recipe.
File mastery cards are used for quick reference during the lesson.
Though the words are few, the activities are many. One letter is done each time you meet. .
You can go through the alphabet once in the year for each time you have met.
If you meet three times, then you
would have gone through the alphabet
three times. There were a few who knew the letters and sounds the first
time through. Others started identifying beginning sounds and letter
recognition after the second time. It is good as each learns when they are
ready. There is no pressure, only fun!
All the
lessons have many children’s songs and music which aid children in learning. If
you were to hum the “ABC” song to a
group of teenagers, they would quickly recite the rest of the song back to you.
Music stays in the mind long after words
Creativity is fundamental to the growth of
This learning is interconnected to arts, crafts, music, experiments, dance, and
kitchen activities. Children’s play is also important to their development. Children’s
play is children’s learning. Playing house, pretending to go to the
grocery store, and play mat activities with cars or plastic figures are great
for their imagination.. Always remember
that if the children are getting bored, it is time to change the activity.
Letter Introduction, Music, Snack, Story , Activity,
Play, Field trip.
What’s different about this program? All lessons are designed to be themed around a letter of the alphabet. It is not a letter of the week, or a letter a couple of
times in a month. In order for them to understand letters, they must do them in
order and every time they meet!
Now you may be saying, “I don’t want them to feel like they are in kindergarten”.
“I want my child to have a childhood.” That is exactly why you will like fun funetics (Phonetics). The reading readiness skills are not always taught in school. I wanted
my child to feel free and creative and yet have fun while they learn. There are
many times that my tot’s have said that they are going to a party. ***Remember if
you’re not having fun, you are not learning!
true to their sound
I DO NOT USE XYLOPHONE FOR “X”NOR , DO I USE XEROX! There is enough information in each Letter Mastery,
to teach at least three different lessons using the same letter. I have even
covered the hard sounds like I, X, and Z. Last but not least, every letter has an age appropriate story to
teach the letter sound. Again I did not use a story with the words like, “KNOCK,
KNOCK” for K.
This curriculum offers something for
everyone. It is a great resource for parents, pre-school teachers, or any other
type of teacher.
For those who want to do the HOME TOT FUNetics PROGRAM, invite 3-6 preschoolers and share in the teaching and hosting of the tots. I recommend meeting 1 to 2 times a week. There have been groups who met three times a week but, suggested that they were overwhelmed. Home tot learning can be a time of one on one for your child or children. The rule of thumb for those who should be invited to this type of program is that they must be potty trained.
Remember that there is no place like home for learning.
Lesson Instruction
Pick out activities that are interrelated to the story. This introductory
period should last about fifteen minutes and will include every possible
activity that may be repeated in another area at another time. An example of this would be a song that was
used for both the introductory period as well as the music time like, “Head,
Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” for the letter “H” h-h-h head. This amounts to
about 4 or 5 different selections from the letter mastery. Remember, that if
you use the initial sound in the music or any other time, they must have heard
the word before. You must be sure to introduce it in the introductory period
or the tot’s will not identify the sound. Do the letters in order
and always a letter a lesson. (15 min.)
Feed different things through the curtain that begin with "v" like pictures of a vacuum, vampire, etc. Each tot might share a "v" thing that they brought from home.
Feed different things through the curtain that begin with "v" like pictures of a vacuum, vampire, etc. Each tot might share a "v" thing that they brought from home.
The music listed in yellow, are common early childhood songs and verses. If you
would like to download music or words from the web, a section has been included with web site resources. You can purchase c.d. discs for as little as a dollar at
the dollar store and on the web for as much as $20.00. During music time you
will vary the activities and instruments. For “B” you would use bells. For “C”
you could ride on horses with cowboy hats. For “M” you would march. For “S” you
might skip or use scarves. Always check the Music Letter Mastery. Choose 2-3
songs for the music period. Sometimes you may want to repeat the same song. (10 min.)
M-is for maracas
M-is for maracas
The snack is listed in pinkish purple. The snack might be a gummy inch worm in
Oreo dirt for I, or it could be G for goldfish. Again, it ties in with the
letter. (15 min.)
Story: The story can be one you choose from this curriculum or a popular children’s story. Some books may be in your library, or can be checked out from the library. Tie the snack or activity to the story. An example of this would be, “The Gingerbread Man” story would be followed by decorating gingerbread men for the snack. You could make a hat for the story like, “The Cat in the Hat” for the letter “H”. If the story is too long for your group, then retell it with the pictures. (5 - 10 min.)
There are activities of every sort, including a volcano, a great one for the
scientific mind. They will paint, stamp, work with play dough, make paper plate
masks, and so many other fun activities. However, you may still want to surf
the web for different crafts which are listed on the web site list. All time
periods are themed and linked by the letter. Choose only one activity for the
day. Check the activity section for ideas and patterns. (15 min.)
A- is for the animal cookies in the ark
A- is for the animal cookies in the ark
Play time consists of activities that are apart of the letter and sound. An
example of this would be when giving the lesson for the letter “P” for puzzles.
For play time you could put out the puzzles. If you want to have free play time
where there isn’t play linked to the letter, feel free. It is your call.
(Remainder of the session)
P -is for parachute play
P -is for parachute play
Field trips:
Field trips are connected with letter concepts. (You don’t always
have to have a field
Summaryr There will be a summary of all that is taught throughout the letter lesson.
There are activities which are not part of
the letter theme. I always have them
wave flags to a patriotic
song such as, “I’m Proud to be an American” or “You’re a Grand Old Flag. Following
the flag waving, we will say the Pledge
of Allegiance.
with different
I have them march to an
“ABC” song. Each day we meet,
we will repeat these activities of flag waving, the Pledge of Allegiance and
the “ABC” song, in that very same order! This allows for the few who are late,
to be able to attend the introductory time.
THAT IS ESSENTIAL! The Introductory period must remain in the order suggested,
in order to be effective in teaching phonics. The order you do the music or
other areas, is your call. You may want to break the introductory period into
two segments with a circle time.
Pledge of Allegiance:
“ABC” Song:
Introduction: (20 min.) "A"
1- Place different pictures or objects that depict "a" things. (alligator, apple, ant etc.) through the window of a puppet theater.
2- Guess what is in the sack. It is round it is juicy. Sometimes it is green, sometimes yellow, and sometimes it is red. It grows on trees. What is it? an a-a-a- (apple)
3- Invite them to bring a share and tell animal to share.(Do the animals match in pairs of 2)
4- Put magnets on a magnetic board. Group the magnets in like kind and then add them.
5- Place the a-z stickers on the floor spaced a foot length apart. Turn on an "ABC" song and walk from a-z.
Music: (15 min.)
1 "ABC" song by Heidi Butkiss
2- "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" 3-
Story: (10 min.) "Aggie Alligator" by Brenda Chadburn
Snack: (15 min.) Cut up apples and serve.
Activity: (20 min.) Make an alligator using the patterns.
Play Time: (remainder of the session) Use the animal puppets to act out the animal sounds.
Field Trip: visit a farm or a zoo
Summary: A- Animal dominoes, (pairs #2), Color green for the apples and alligator, make circle apples
Concepts: learning to match, animal recognition , adding, learning the alphabet
Concepts: learning to match, animal recognition , adding, learning the alphabet
(This is designed to fill a 1 ½ - 2 hour
Flag Waving:
Pledge of Allegiance:
“ABC” Song:
Introduction: (20 min.)
Music: (15 min.)
2- 3-
Story: (10 min.)
Snack: (15 min.)
Activity: (20 min.)
Play Time: (remainder of the session)
Field Trip:
(This is designed to fill a 1 ½ - 2 hour session.)
Here is a review of the baby steps for pre-reading Step 1.
Here is a review of the baby steps for pre-reading Step 1.
Funetics Handbook
for a hands on learning experience
Hands On Learning
The Complete Hand Book For Step 1
A Step by Step Overview
A-Z Mastery Cards
*mastery cards are an index summary with a short list that Inscludes:
letter possibilities, Intro, music & verse, snack, book list, activities, field trip, & summary
(An outline to use with your mastery cards)
Music and Verse a-z List
Snack List from a-z
Book List from A-Z Library List
List of Craft Activities from a-z
A Yellow Year Book with Past Lesson Summaries
Not Included in the Complete Handbook
50 + Original Books for Lamination
(an activity included in each book)
Patterns for Take Home a-z
Lesson activities A-Z
Mini 4 page letter a-z Books
Color Fun
Shape Fun
Number Magnetic Board Verses 1-10 Pieces
Bringing Letters Alive a-z
Build a Food Pyramid Game
You Have Mail
Animal Sack Puppets
Mini Musicals
Letter Cubes
Step 1
Lesson Mastery Cards
Create a lesson around each letter
lesson plans for A-Z
sample for A
Mastery Card
Here is a 2 year Yellow Year Book
My Yellow Yearbook
Summary of Lessons for the Year
My Yellow Year Book (1) In Fall 2012
. There is always at least one shape, color, number and many concepts included with each lesson.
A-. is for Aggie Alligator that ate a lot of A things. Each started with an A, but not one of them rings. Adding starts with an A too. Animal dominoes came 2 x 2. You make an A in the shape of a triangle. Careful when you write on an angle
A is the letter
- Triangle is the shape
- Green is the alligator color
- 2 is the number
- Concepts: adding, naming animals
- ”Allie Alligator” is the story with an alligator that eats long & short “A” pictures for their lunch.project.
Lesson Interactive Activities
This is a Book of Lesson Activities
Use with "I Can Add Dad" mini letter Book & the "Allee Ant" story
A-Adding apples (sorting) Sample
Letter Activity for Take Home
Patterns for Take Home Activity
Sample Pattern
Extra Materials
Letter Fun
Picture Flash for Letter Funetics (phonics)
sample "A" Flash
Mini letter Books
Cut out these board stories & laminate. Cut out small squares of a magnetic strip to stick on the backs of each piece for your board story.
50 + Funetic Short Interactive Story Books
with a concept
Step 2
Step 2 is two letters combined to form the first words, diagraphs, and blends.
Married Letters
(2 letters together)
2 Letter Words
There is mini reading books with 2 letter words.
Step 3
Families come after marriage.
The tot will learn family clusters such as "ing".
Word families
Family 3 letter word flip
One blue laminated sheet of paper
3 punch holes
3 rings
copy and laminate the cards for a word flip
family word flip
change word family each word list
(en) family cluster
3 letter word puzzle cards
(family ig)
Short A Family Flash
Phone ics Bingo
80 + Bingo Phones
dial up the letters
and combine with the family cluster
Learn the family clusters by reading a Mini Word Book
Step 4
In step 4, there is no relation. These are sight words that are called neighbors because they are not related.
Not Related
High Frequency Sight Words
Hang the word monkeys
Word Dominoes
Connect at like word within a word
First cover the Mastery Domino Card
Then use the Dominoes without the Card
58 High Frequency Word List