Paper Mache Egg basket
R is for Rabbit
Rabbits can eat carrots and cabbage. R is for the color red. (Match the colored oval eggs), Can you remember where the match is? R is for the shape of a rectangle (Draw a rectangle with 4 lines). R is for the rabbit oval eggs.
Cut out the colored eggs and have them remember and match the color.
Do the "Humpty Dumpty" verse with these finger puppets in an oval egg shape.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
couldn't put Humpty together again.
R is for being ready. Practice ready set and go race.
R is for reading (read the book Rabbit and Turtle)
Finger Puppets
Rabbit Math:
4 page small Empty Egg Book
Summary: R is for rabbit-race-rules, r is for red and other oval colored eggs and rectangle, r is for 4 lines to make a rectangle.
Other concepts: Discuss about being rude. Rabbit wasn't the fastest, but was the most persistent. Learn about right and left. Practice being ready by having a race.