Ahead: Hide the ten gold coins that you have numbered to 1- 10. Copy the gold worksheet for them to match the hidden coins with.
Introduction: "G" makes the sound of great as in the great groundhog. Get ready to growl as you make the "g-g-g r-eat" growl greeting! Get out your groundhog and greet him as you move him up in the cup. Have the tots find the gold that you have hidden. Let each bring the gold and match it to the page. After you have all of the gold pieces, then line up the gold by number. Watch an animal capsule that you let them put in water to grow. Introduce your grandparent guests. Have them tell whose grandparent(s) they are or give them a photo of their grandchild that is turned inward so the tots cannot see. Let them give some clues about their grandchild. The tot's match the grandparents to the grandchild. (You could have them bring a picture of their grandparents instead to share)
Give the guests a special gift and express gratitude as you then excuse them. You could also give clues to describe grandparents and let them guess who you are talking about. Then let the tot's hold up the grandparent mask to the tot's face.

Play the games: "Green Light-Red Light", and "Go Green-Stop Red. Do the "Gumball Grouping with pom poms or use real gumballs.
Go Green Game
Turn on the music, "The Green Grass Grows All Around"
Each time it says Go with the green side then the tots will dance, but when you flip it to red they will stop. If they don't stop when they are supposed to, then the tot is out. (Have them listen for the word "green" in the song and match the sign facing green accordingly.

Green Light, Red Light
Slide the strip up and down as you call out the color of the light. On green, the tots will progress toward you. On red the tots will stop. If they don't stop, then the tot must go back to the line and start again. The first to reach you ends the game.
Copy, laminate and cut out.
Gumball Grouping
Place the gumballs in the middle of the group.
Let the tots move the dial on the gumball machine in turn. Have them get the gumballs or pom poms gumballs with tongs and move them to the color on their card. There are 6 different color cards. You can copy as many as needed for your group. When the bubble gum cards are filled, then it is time to count the gumballs that you have sorted from the middle of the group.

*Let them have a mini version of this story to take home.
Here is a finger puppet and after story activity.
Full Version in an 8 page Microstrip Book
color strip 8 page (2 strips) book
4 page Mini Version "Great Groundhog" books to take home
Snack: green grapes
Take Home Project: Groundhog in a hole (cup)

Let the tot's color their groundhogs. Mount to a dowel. Tape on the green grass around the cup or glue it. Slide the bottom of the dowel through the hole that you have made in a cup. Fold the arms in. It is ready to move up and down.
Summary: The colors will be green and gold, The shape will be a circle for the gold coins. The numbers will be 1-10 for the gold coins that they will count and place in numerical order. The tot will learn about great, about the groundhog, about growing, and about grandparents as well as about the color green for go.
Field Trip: Go to the grocery store
Here is the lesson plan for "G" is for the Great Groundhog.
I hope you enjoy this lesson plan as my gift to you. Copy and laminate the story and bind by a ring.
Happy Groundhog Day!!!!!!!