Let it Snow
"S" is for the Season with Snow
Learn why the sun causes the snowmen to go.
Introduce the Letter "S" for Snow and for the number 6. Count and sequence the cookies. Using the sense of touch have them hold snow if possible and answer how it feels. Learn about the 5 senses. With the "Snowmen in a Row" verse, teach them to sequence, to count and to subtract. The sun will melt the snow. Sequence the 6 snowmen cards by number. Match the 2 snowmen that are the same. Copy and cut out the 12 cards ahead. Sort colored craft sticks, pom-poms, buttons, or whatever by their color. If you use the pom pom bucket of colors with the tongs, then have each of the tots draw a color card and with the tongs sort the color to their plate or styrofoam bowl. Add up each color.
Match the 2 that are the
Same (Ss)
Color sorting cards for the pom poms
Each tot will receive a color pom-pom card. The tot's will all extract the colored pom poms in the center that is drawn on their card. They will move it with tongs to their own paper plate. After the pom poms are gone, then count up each color that has now been sorted out.
see, hear, taste, touch, and smell
(copy the sense cards and tape to the front of the sack.
*Place items that use the sense in a baggy and then into the lunch sack.
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10 Snowmen in a Row Activity Verse
Learn to Subtract
Read this story and have the tots follow along with their own microstrip book.
(8 1/2 x ll)
Here is a Microscopic Strip 6 pg. Book
Copy the one page black white or color to make the book for the tot. Cut out the 2 strips. Fold back and forth . Staple the book together.
Black & White
Sequence in the order of the story and then play a game.
S is for sequencing the shaping of a snowman
Cut out these snowman parts and then mount sticky magnets to the back. Then decide what is first by spinning the wheel. Choose the parts or parts that correspond with the number. Place on the magnetic board while you name the shapes as you shape up a snowman.
Mini 4 pg. snowman book
Another black and white mini book
Snow comes in what season? (Play the song, "Once There Was a Snowman"
Spin a Season
Spin the dial and talk about the seasons. Demonstrate how snow melts and changes to water.
Make a Snack with 6 Cookies
Summary: The tot's will have learned a little science with the snow and heat from the sun that makes the snow melt, the number will be s-s-six, the shapes will be circles, stick lines, square etc. the color will be white for snow, Some of the concepts will be sequencing, sorting, same science, seasons, subtraction and learning about your senses.