Little and Large Lion's Lunch
1-First have them touch their tongue to the roof of their mouth. (demonstrate). Everyone together sing la-la-la-la-la "Ll".Sing this sound every time you give a word beginning with "L".
2-Teach them that the large letter "L" is made with 2 lines and the little "l" is made with 1 long line. Have them do the Lines "L" worksheet.
3-Play some music and have the tots sit down when the music is no longer loud. They must learn to listen. You could have them listen and name sounds as well.
4-Teach them what long and short is by having them do the 4 page mini long and short book. (You may want them to measure the length.) Gather light and heavy objects. Let the tots hold them and decide if it is it heavy or if is it light. You could even have them weigh the various things on a scale. You can do the 4 page "Light and Heavy" book.
5. Have them do the "Hokey Pokey" and help them to learn left and right. The story for this lesson will help them to learn large and little as well as who ate less.
A lemon is what color? (yellow) and so is the large lion and the Little Leo.
2- Is learning to make an "L" with lines.
(do this worksheet of the lines lion and the lines "L")
Learn your letters with the letters in the mail.
4-long-short, light-heavy
Here is the Long and short Book along with the left and right book.
Light and Heavy 4 page book to do along with holding and feeling what is heavy and what is light.
Story: "A Large & Little Lion's Lunch"
In this lesson is the large teacher sized book. Copy and laminate. Cut out the 2 lions and mount to the front of a lunch sack. Cut out the portion of the mouths that is outlined. Cut out the "l" lunch food. Have the tot's feed the lions their lunch. The tot will feed the large items to the Large lion and the little food to the little lion through their proper mouth. Do the activity pages and underline the large or little picture as directed. There is a pocket sized book for them to read along with. Or you could have them do the 4 page short summary book. (Be sure to have the finger puppets copied, cut out and ready for use with this lesson.)
These are the lesson cut outs to be used with the 2 lunch sacks. I put a bean bag in the bottom to hold it down.
finger puppets
Copy and cut out these finger puppets. Cut out the finger holes ahead of time.
large and little activity
mini 4 page book in color in and black & white
a lesson follow up book in black and white & color
Lace Card Activity
Punch the letters from a-z and then tie a long string around the letter "A" for the tots to lace the lion going from letter to letter.
Music and Verse: "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
Snack: Make a lunch like Leo's Lunch. You could make fresh squeezed lemonade or buy it in a pouch. I like to roll out a blanket and eat a sack lunch on it with the tots.
Project take home: Have them color the lion's mask for their project or they can do the lines lion.
Paper Plate Lion mask (attach to a large craft stick)
Summary: Letter "L", color, yellow, number 2 for Large & litte, lines (shape)
concepts: light-heavy, large-little, long-short, less-more, learning to sing the la-la-la "l" sound, listening, and what is in a lunch.
Field trip: go to lunch
Here is a lesson plan bonus